Sisterhood Circles

“Each time women gather in circles with each other, the world heals a little more.”


How it Works

From the comfort of your couch, you can log on and connect with your Sisterhood Circle while learning something new, meeting others with similar life experiences, and most importantly, expanding your inner strength. 

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive an invitation when a new cirlce forms. Join one or join them all! 


Sisterhood Circles

are safe spaces where messy moments are welcomed, stories and scars are embraced, and no label will ever prevent you from being loved.

We offer Support Sisters who lead small break-out groups and guide you through specific discussion topics.

Once you register for Sisterhood Circles, you will be placed in a small group of moms who have children with disabilities. Your Support Sister will contact you with your virtual group details and connect you with your small group. 
Join a group with a requested friend or sign up solo, either way your Sisterhood Circle is guaranteed to deliver deep connection and meaningful conversations with moms who understand.

There are only two scenarios when a herd of female elephants will form a circle:

When they are under attack by predators—or when they are giving birth.

In the latter scenario, the female elephants close ranks around the birthing mama so that she cannot be seen, protecting her when she’s at her most vulnerable. And after she delivers, when the pain subsides and new life has arrived, they all begin trumpeting with joy. A celebration of new life, of sisterhood.

This is what Sisters do. We surround each other. We caretake and comfort. We form circles around those in pain, and when the time comes, we take our own place in the center too.

This is the power of a Sisterhood Circle: serving and being served.

Sounding our trumpets—because we saw it through together.